Sunday, February 24, 2013

Nourish myself

I'm sick!!!!

Enough said really, I don't know where it came from. Boy child #1 is sniffly, husband is coughing and congested, boy child #3 has a fever.

I'm sick of coughing and blowing my nose and not knowing if I'm hot or cold oh and add onto that the feeling of a million razor blades going down my throat. I don't 'DO' sick well.

I want to work out. I want to get sweaty. I really want to go bust some weights.


Ok. I've come to the conclusion that its probably not going to happen today, more so when all I feel like doing is going back to bed.

In the mean time I'm eating myself out of house and home. Please tell me I'm not the only one who can't stop eating when they are sick????

So for breakfast this morning. Homemade muesli, a banana and Greek yoghurt. Yummmmmm

What do you do?

I'm about 3kgs off what I set as my 'goal' weight. Which is great right?

Thing is, I don't know if I want to take it that far or if I want to stop now and concentrate on toning and gaining muscle. I know there is still weight to loose, it's just that I look at myself and there's nearly no boob left and chest bones can sometimes be showing.

Dilemma is going too far..... Which I don't want to do, but I am interested in seeing if these last 3kg will minimise some of the stomach fat that I'm still carrying.

On the plus side there was this that happened

Friday, February 8, 2013


Promise I'll b back with something better to share later 😉


Going 180. Not 360

Life can be quickly taken as it is given. I've seen this for myself. Seeing how quickly things can change was my turning point. I knew then that I needed time for me. Time to clear my head, destress, work on who I want to become.

So far it's been a hard journey, frustrating journey but I'm hoping my journey will be amazing. Actually scrap that I KNOW IT WILL BE AMAZING !!!!

So welcome to my crazy sphere of the blogging land, where I'll be sharing some food ideas, workouts and general inspiration.